пятница, 15 февраля 2013 г.

 Learn new vocabulary
Сухопутные войска (lit. ground forces) would be approximately equivalent to the Army
Военно-воздушные силы or ВВС would be same as the Air Force.
Военно-морской флот or ВМФ is, of course, the Navy
Воздушно-десантные войска or ВДВ are not the Marines, but rather Airborne soldiers. These guys are so tough, they have a holiday of their own on August 2. So, if you are a red beret in the US Army, you get much respect from your father-in-law for sure.
Now, Вооружённые силы Российской Федерации (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) have something called космические войска which immediately brings to mind the Starship Troopers movie (or am I the only one?). These are Aerospace Defense Forces. The final one is Strategic Missile Troops or ракетные войска стратегического назначения. I think these last two are covered under the Air Force in the US.
So you can say Я служу/служил в ________________ (I serve/served in the ____________) using your branch of service instead of the blank. Don’t forget that you will have to use the prepositional case here.
Я служил в сухопутных войсках 6 лет. (I served in the Army for 6 years).
Я служу в военно-воздушных силах уже 15 лет. Ещё пять и смогу выйти на пенсию. (I’ve served in the Air Force for 15 years. Five more and I can retire).
Я сам не служил, но мой отец был морским пехотинцем (I didn’t serve myself, but my father was a Marine).
Now that we are clear with род войск (branch of the military), it’s time to figure out воинские звания (military ranks).

Russian English
Рядовой Private
Ефрейтор Private 1st class or lance-corporal
Младший сержант Corporal
Сержант Sergeant
Старший сержант Staff Sergeant or Sergeant First Class
Старшина Master Sergeant or Sergeant Major
Младший лейтенант 2nd Leutenant
Лейтенант -
Старший лейтенант 1st Leutenant
Капитан Captain
Майор  Major
Подполковник Leutenant-Colonel
Полковник Colonel
Генерал-майор Brigadier General
Генерал-лейтенант Major General
Генерал-полковник Leutenant General
Генерал армии General (four-star general)

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