суббота, 24 марта 2018 г.

15 английских слов и фраз, благодаря которым вас примут за носителя языка

15 английских слов и фраз, благодаря которым вас примут за носителя языка
А если и не примут, то подумают: «He/she is so cool!»
В английском языке есть огромное количество фраз, которые постоянно употребляют носители, но почти не знают иностранцы. Лайфхакер собрал 15 «очень английских» выражений, которые точно выделят вас из толпы.
1. Firstly, secondly, thirdly…
«Во-первых, во-вторых, в-третьих…»
Для английского уха звучит довольно официально (более разговорный вариант — обычные first, second, third), но покажет, что вы хорошо знаете английский язык. А вот in the first, in the second и так далее говорить нельзя.
Firstly, I prefer airplane because it’s fast. Secondly, they give you meals, and thirdly, I like a view from the window.
Я предпочитаю самолёты, потому что, во-первых, это быстро, во-вторых, потому что там кормят, и в-третьих, я люблю смотреть в иллюминатор.
2. Very good
Так же, как и в русской речи, в английской эта фраза может иметь значение, совершенно противоположное буквальному.
I left your glasses at home. Я забыл твои очки дома.
— Very good. — Замечательно.

воскресенье, 4 марта 2018 г.

International women's day

There are many important holidays in a calendar year, but  favourite one is March 8th. Everybody knows that it’s an international Women’s Day, but for me it’s a special day. First of all, it’s the beginning of spring, which is my favourite season. The weather is almost always fine on this day. Secondly, people seem to become happier on this day. Women are happy to receive presents and compliments, while men are happy to pay extra attention to their loved ones. None of them is left without a present or special attention on March the 8th. Mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives, daughters - they are all treated with respect and admiration. It’s worth mentioning that this holiday originated at the beginning of the 20th century in New York. At first, it was a strike held by the Socialistic Party in support of Ladies’ Working Union. Later on, some of European Socialist Party representatives proposed to celebrate the annual Women’s D ay in March and so the tradition began. The holiday was mainly celebrated in communist and socialist countries. In Western countries the observance of the Women’s Day became popular in 1970s. As the time passed, the holiday became more and more popular. Today, it is especially important to go out on this day, to visit the concerts or other performances which set a festive mood. Women receive lots of flowers, postcards and small presents. It’s habitual to buy spring flowers on this day, including snowdrops, daffodils and tulips.