Guy Fawkes" Day - День Гая Фокса (5 ноября)
5 ноября 1605 года кучка заговорщиков пыталась взорвать здание парламента вместе с правительством, королем Джеймсом I, королевой и их сыном. Гай Фокс и его приятели были недовольны отношением короля к католикам и надеялись, что английские католики смогут захватить власть в стране, если они убьют членов правительства и королевской семьи.Заговорщики арендовали подвал под зданием парламента, и за несколько дней до открытия парламента Гай спрятал в подвале двадцать бочек с порохом.
Но замыслу не суждено было осуществиться. Один из
заговорщиков предупредил своего родственника, лорда Монтигла, чтобы тот
не приходил в парламент в этот день. Добропорядочный лорд не захотел
спасать только свою жизнь. Вскоре Гая Фокса схватили. 5 ноября остался
днем воспоминаний об этом событии.
Таким образом, на протяжении четырехсот лет 5 ноября в
Британии устраивается ночь костров, чтобы отметить неудавшуюся попытку
взрыва здания парламента в Лондоне.
За несколько дней до праздника дети делают чучело Гая в натуральную
величину и носят его по улицам. Все это время они выкрикивают что-то
вроде "Мелочь для Гая!". Конечно, все деньги ребятня оставляет себе.
Вечером же делают большие костры, на которых чучела сжигаются, запускают
фейерверки и даже пекут картошку и каштаны на углях костра.
Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated
in Britain annually on November 5th. The event is accompanied by
firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremonial
effigy-burning of one Guy Fawkes. The origin of this celebration stems
from events which took place in 1605 and was a conspiracy known as "The
Gunpowder Plot," intended to take place on November 5th of that year
(the day set for the opening of Parliament). The object of The Gunpowder
Plot was to blow up English Parliament along with the ruling monarch,
King James I. It was hoped that such a disaster would initiate a great
uprising of English Catholics, who were distressed by the increased
severity of penal laws against the practice of their religion.
A modern theory regarding the involvement of Guy Fawkes in the Gunpower Plot is that he was not trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament at all, but merely attempting to assassinate King James who, it was believed, had reneged on his promise to put a stop to the persecution of Catholics. In any event, it remains unclear whether the conspirators would have been successful in their plan, even if they had not been betrayed. Some believe that the gunpowder they were planning to use was so old as to be useless for the task.
Today, one of the ceremonies which accompanies the opening of a new session of Parliament is a traditional searching of the basement by the Yeoman of the Guard. It has been said that for superstitious reasons, no State Opening of Parliament has or ever will be held again on November 5th. This, however, is a fallacy since on at least one occasion (in 1957), Parliament did indeed open on November 5th. The actual cellar employed for the storage of the gunpowder in 1605 by the conspirators was damaged by fire in 1834 and totally destroyed during the rebuilding of the Palace of Westminster in the Nineteenth Century.
Also known as "Firework Night" and "Bonfire Night," November 5th was designated by King James I (via an Act of Parliament) as a day of thanksgiving for "the joyful day of deliverance." This Act remained in force until 1859. On the very night of the thwarted Gunpowder Plot, it is said that the populace of London celebrated the defeat by lighting fires and engaging in street festivities. It would appear that similar celebrations took place on each anniversary and, over the years, became a tradition. In many areas, a holiday was observed, although it is not celebrated in Northern Ireland.
Guy Fawkes Night is not solely a British celebration. The tradition was also established in the British colonies by the early American settlers and actively pursued in the New England States under the name of "Pope Day" as late as the Eighteenth Century. Today, the celebration of Guy Fawkes and his failed plot remains a tradition in such places as Newfoundland (Canada) and some areas of New Zealand, in addition to the British Isles.
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